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How the Disc Screw Press Compact Skid Works

Published Date:Jun. 28,2020    Source:    Author:  Viewed:1288
How the Disc Screw Press Compact Skid Works
1.Sludge is pumped from the sludge holding tank or can be taken directly from source e.g. aeration tank, which means costly upstream storage tanks are not necessary.
2.After the feed pump polymer is dosed into the feed line.
3.The sludge and polymer mix pass through the inline rapid mixer, this thoroughly mixes the sludge and polymer, helping to ensure minimal polymer consumption.
4.The sludge and polymer mix passes from the rapid mixer outlet to the Flocculation Tank, here a slow mixer helps bind the contaminates together and separate them from the liquid fraction.
5.The flocculated mix drops from the flocculation tank outlet to the Screw press dewatering section. Level sensors are used in the flocculation tank to prevent overflow.
6.The Screw Press consists of a cylinder which houses the screw press running at low speed. The cylinder consists of spacers, fixed and moving stainless steel discs. The moving discs have a smaller outer diameter than the screw. As the screw operates, the moving rings continuously clean the sludge from the gaps allowing filtrate to pass and ensure clog free operation.
7.As the sludge progresses along the screw, the pitch narrows, increasing the pressure and dewatering efficiency.
8.The dewatered sludge is low volume the cost of disposal and transport is massively reduced.
9.Filtrate is returned back to start of Effluent.
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